Mission Support
The congregation of Fellowship Reformed Church partners with various missionaries and mission-minded organizations. As a partner in the adventure of sharing the Gospel, the church provides prayer, encouragement and financial support. In addition, periodic mission trips afford an opportunity to visit missionaries “where they are.” Following, you will discover a partial listing of our missionaries and ministries–including a brief description of their endeavors. But because of persecution against the Christian Faith, some names and locations must be withheld.
Current mission partners can email their yearly Mission Support Report to Pastor Brent Beckett.
Activation International Ministries (AIM)
A.I.M. is committed to activating and equipping Kingdom leaders who bring forth the fruit of providing biblically sound, prophetically spoken, and leadership-focused training and discipleship to spur growth, character, and influence in communities around the world.
Appalachia Reach Out - Kentucky
The mission of Appalachia Reach Out is to be Christ’s love in action through being His hands, His feet, His heart, and His mission each day, in all we do. We believe it’s through our acts of kindness, goodwill, love, and support people will come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
BCM International
Bible Club International is reaching children and strengthening the Church worldwide.
CranHill Ranch
CranHill is a family campground, Christian summer camp and year-round retreat center focused on building relationships and strengthening families in the faith of Jesus Christ.
CRU - Kyle and Melissa Donker
Kyle and Melissa long to bring the joy of Christ to the constant influx of college students at New Mexico State University. They focus on how Christ is glorious, kind, mighty, loving, worthy, righteous, just, fair, and enough.
CRU - Ted and Ticiana Gordillo
The Gordillo’s are walking by faith, serving in Latin America, and sharing the joy of the Gospel.
David’s House
David’s House provides quality Christian care and facilities for adults with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries.
East Ottawa Special Ministries
East Ottawa Special Ministries provides safe, loving, Christian mentoring partnerships for those with special needs while teaching the promises of the Word. This gives the students the opportunity to use their gifts and abilities for Christ.
Family Life Center
Family Life Center is committed to demonstrating the love of Christ to young women experiencing unplanned pregnancies by equipping them for the challenges of LIFE.
Gateway Mission
Gateway Mission serves as a gateway to healthier lives through counseling, Bible study, education, and job training all with a focus on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the gift of eternal life.
Gifts of Hope Christian Education - Liberia
Gifts of Hope is reaching out to children in rural areas who would otherwise have no chance of attending school, learning to read and write, and experiencing the Love of Christ.
Global Grace
Daniel serves with Global Grace as a university instructor in China. This gives him many opportunities to share his faith and disciple young students. He also provides leadership to other foreign Christian teachers and coordinates outreach on university campuses.
Harbor House Ministries
Harbor House is where love lives. It's a place where you see small and large acts of love at any given moment. Love comes alive between those who live and those who serve at Harbor House Ministries.
Harmony Communities
Harmony Communities, formerly Georgetown Harmony Homes, provides housing opportunities and promotes Christian community for adults with special needs. Our vision is for every resident to realize their God-given potential by serving, working, and being involved in their community.
Habitat for Humanity
A group of FRC volunteers serves weekly with Habitat for Humanity to furnish homes for the homeless and low-income families.
Hand 2 Hand - Godwin Heights
Hand2Hand delivers nutritious food to students over the weekends and on extended school breaks by mobilizing churches, schools, individuals, and businesses to join together, providing hope and opportunity to thrive.
Hope for the Nations/Horizon’s International - Barbara Yandel
A ministry with the purpose to proclaim the Gospel, disciple the nations, and equip the church to do the same.
HUGS Ranch
Hugs Ranch encourages mental, emotional, physical, and social healing for hurting children. At HUGS, the Son shines and wounded hearts heal.
International Association for Refugees - April Palmbos, Jake Tornga
IAFR is helping people survive and recover from forced displacement. Our mission is to serve refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people.
Interserve - Fellowship Partners
Interserve ministers to immigrants in Illinois.
InterVarsity/GVSU and Davenport University
InterVarsity is a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances witnessing communities of students and faculty. Identifying the source of all Hope.
Jehovah Jireh
Seeking to be God's hands and offering His supply in Jesus' name.
Keys for Kids
Keys for Kids Ministries is igniting a passion for Christ in kids, teens, and families worldwide.
Lakeshore Pregnancy Center
Lakeshore Pregnancy Center is loving people to life. We are here to restore a culture of abundant life through Christ in every community.
Life International (Grand Rapids)
Life International is making know the Father’s heart for life. There is nothing more valuable than human life because we are made by God in His image. God values human beings so much that He sacrificed His Son, Jesus Christ, in order to rescue us.
Love Your Neighbor
Through partnership with local churches and dedicated volunteers, Love Your Neighbor is able to provide many of the basic necessities to those coming to them for assistance. Love Your Neighbor offers more than 60 different ministry programs that empower individuals toward authentic life transformation in Christ.
Man in the Mirror Ministries - Dale Redder
Man in the Mirror believes that there is hope for everyone regardless of past choices and grace beyond what we deserve. Come and see how much you are loved and forgiven.
Mel Trotter Ministries
Mel Trotter Ministries provides shelter, food, clothing, education, biblical studies, computer-based learning, and work training and experience for men and women in need throughout our community.
Moriah Ministries GVSU - John Modderman
The mission at Moriah Ministry within Grand Valley State University is to provide each student an opportunity to know who they are in Christ.
Paradise Bound Ministries
PBM ministers to the physical and eternal needs of people. The Gospel is presented through building homes, medical clinics, the Open Doors Orphanage, and evangelism and discipleship programs.
RCA-Grace Covenant Ministries, Annville Institute
Video can be mass-produced and passed around where even evangelists cannot go. When people see these Gospel movies in their heart language, they realize that the Gospel has relevance to their culture.
Reach Beyond - Geoff and Tammy Kooistra
Reach Beyond in Quito, Ecuador exists to mobilize the Body of Christ to make disciples among the least reached.
Talking Bibles
Our mission is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by producing audio recordings of translated Scriptures in hundreds of languages for millions of people around the world who do not know how to read.
Tool Time Ministry
Fellowship sends out crews in order to help build, repair, paint, clean up, and rebuild homes for families in our area who need helping hands. Dozens of these projects take place annually.
Trucker’s Friend
Truckers Friend Network proclaims the Truth of 2 Corinthians 9:10-11. Always grateful, always thankful and beyond blessed.
Welcome Home Ministries Africa
Welcome Home Ministries Africa is a children’s home licensed for children from birth to six years old. Each child has a name and a story of loss and pain. Each child also has a hope and a dream. We love them all.
Women at Risk International
Committed to creating circles of protection around those at risk.
Word to All - Jodi Oppenhuizen
Word to All forms mutual partnerships with individuals, churches, schools, and Christian organizations in North America and Europe to share Christ in Eastern Europe. They work to develop leaders and share Christian resources.
Words of Hope
Words of Hope’s desire is to empower indigenous leaders in an ever-changing world. Words of Hope provide holistic support within Christian communities.
World Renew
World Renew provides much-needed services to community organizations in the days, months, and years after disaster strikes.
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Cameroon - Josh and Dr. Virginia Ham
Josh and Virginia Ham serve with Wycliffe Bible translators in Cameroon with the purpose to see the Word translated into the native tongue.
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Southeast Asia
Brian and Cindy serve with Wycliffe Bible translators in Southeast Asia with the purpose to see the Word translated into the native tongue.
20 Liters
20 Liters' mission is to make dirty water clean for the most vulnerable using long-lasting and innovative solutions.