Ashlyn Stein

Ashlyn Stein (30-year-old niece of Kelly and Joe Cleveland) has been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer; on April 2, she was informed that the cancer had spread to her bones. She will be traveling to MD Anderson in Houston for another opinion on possible treatment options. Please pray for the financial aspect of this trip, as it is not covered by insurance. Please pray for Ashlyn and her husband--as well as their four children. They are praying for a miracle as they seek additional opinions and treatment options.

Paul Sheperd

Paul Sheperd, nephew of Louise VanLente, was in a motorcycle accident on Thursday, May 9. The accident resulted in a traumatic brain injury, fractured skull, collapsed lung, and bleeding on the brain. He is still unconscious but responds to touch and familiar voices—and is able to move his arms and legs. Please pray that his pneumonia clears completely and he no longer needs a ventilator.  

Winnie Matthysse

Winnie Matthysse, granddaughter of Dick and June Matthysse, was diagnosed prior to her birth with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, or HLHS, which means that the left side of her heart is underdeveloped. Winnie had her second open heart surgery (of a planned total of three over two-ish years)on May 15 after some additional items were found to need repairs. The surgery went well but took a little longer than originally expected, so she remains on a ventilator. She is expected to be in the hospital for one to two weeks.

David TenBrink

David TenBrink (father of Stu/Jessica TenBrink and Angie/Ron VanderWest) remains hospitalized at the Meijer Heart Center following a full cardiac arrest.  He is also struggling with congestive heart failure and the retention of fluid--complicating his breathing.  Please pray for the powerful strength of the Holy Spirit to resolve these symptoms--and to restore his strength.