Joel Zuidema

Joel Zuidema, son of Jim and Cindy, is awaiting surgery to repair a hernia on the original Whipple incision. When he is strong enough, his cardiologist wants to put a device in his heart called a watchman. This is a screen to block off a part of the heart where blood clots form as a result of Afib. His cognitive abilities have suffered from having two strokes. He feels good and has a positive outlook.

Tammy Walsh

Tammy Walsh (sister of Kelly Cleveland) was emergently admitted to Zeeland Community Hospital on Sunday, September 15, following a suspected seizure. She remains in the hospital with several blood clots, including the one in the brain that caused a seizure. Her hemoglobin is critically low, and she is now having a blood transfusion. In addition, she has developed a very large hematoma in her right calf that they have considered surgery for, but it poses many risks with her being on blood thinners. Doctors have had to stop the blood thinners with hopes the hematoma will subside. She is in severe pain and continues to be weak.

Ashlyn Stein

Ashlyn Stein (30-year-old niece of Kelly and Joe Cleveland) has been diagnosed with stage four breast cancer; on April 2, she was informed that the cancer had spread to her bones. In September, a suspicious nodule was discovered near the thyroid. Plans are being considered to remove nearly half of the thyroid in September/October on account of potential cancer. Please pray for clear diagnosis and wisdom regarding the best course of treatment and action.