Rev. Shawn Hulst

Lead Pastor

616-669-1213 x105

Since February 2001, Pastor Shawn has served upon the staff of FRC.  He began his role as Lead Pastor in 2013. Leading the Consistory, Elders, Executive, and Worship Teams, Pastor Shawn seeks to discern God’s vision for Fellowship—striving to promote a Biblical worldview and application of God’s Word that impacts the pulpit, the classroom, and every personal counseling session. Prior to joining the Fellowship Team, he served 2 ½ years at First Reformed Church in Grandville, Michigan. As a graduate of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa (History and Religion), Pastor Shawn next earned his M.Div. from Western Seminary in Holland. Shawn and his wife, Susan, have been blessed with five sons: Davis (’04), Gramm (’06), Hudson (’09), Korver (’12), and Walker (’14). “Drinking lots of coffee” is considered to be his strongest form of “medication.” He enjoys eating cookies, sharing pizza with his sons, date-nights with Susan, and the comics’ page of the G.R. Press.

“I have been blessed in such a way that I see God’s miracles unfolding in my personal-family and church-family every day. And I am convinced that no matter what—all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26). So don’t give up on God—and don’t give up on one another! He still performs miracles.”