Biblical Resources for Families
What are you doing as a family to consistently instruct and engage your children in the truths of God’s Word?
Here are some resource suggestions from the Education Team (in order from young children to teens):
Sally Loyd-Jones' Jesus Storybook Bible (given out at your child's baptism)
Ella K. Lindvale's Read-Aloud Bible Stories (used by our Bible Story Grandmas in Nursery each week)
The ABC Memory Book by Scripture Memory Fellowship
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung (available in the Church Library)
The New City Catechism. The "Children's Mode" feature shortens the memorizations, and each Q&A comes with word-for-word original songs.
Bible Reading Plans using the YouVersion app
Go through a book together, or individually, and discuss it
Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney
For more thoughts on instructing your children biblically, see this article by Collin Hansen, published by The Gospel Coalition.
Don’t delay. Spend time with God with your family today.